Frequently Asked Questions


  • What’s the minimum to order?

    The minimum order for shipping is six (6) day-old chicks. This minimum can be met by ordering 6 of one breed or by mixing and matching different breeds and/or assortments.

    If you order small breed with large breeds we will add a partition into the shipping box so that they are separated during their journey so that the small breed chicks are not trampled by the larger breeds, for example Tappit Shetlands are a small fowl breed and Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner are a large fowl breed.

    Under no circumstances will we override the minimum for fewer than six (6) chicks as they need each other’s body warmth for the journey.

  • What’s the maximum to order?

    Like minimum order we have maximum orders/ This because we need to have control over how many we can produce based off of several factors such how many productive layers and subsequent eggs we can gather with a reasonable timeframe to place into incubation. This will vary for different breeding groups and change from time to time.

    55 Flowery Hens: 8 (female); 4 (male)
    Cream Legbars: 10 (female); 5 (male)
    Crumpets: 4 (Straight Run)
    Cuckoo Marans:(Straight Run)
    Lavender Ameracaunas:(Straight Run)
    Lemon Cuckoo Niederheiners: 10 (Straight Run)
    Olive Eggers:(Straight Run)
    Silver Bielefelders: 6 (female); 6 (male)
    Tappit Shetlands:(Straight Run)
    Welsummers:(Straight Run)
    Whiting True Blues: 10 (Straight Run)

  • Do you have breed minimums?

    We do not have breed minimums, but we suggest that you include at least 2-3 chicks of each breed.

  • Do you sell hatching eggs?

    Yes, we do!

    But not for all of our breeds as we need them to meet the demand for chicks. Check our Hatching Eggs shop our page for what we offer.

  • Can I adjust my order after it has been placed?

    While we may be able to adjust your order after it has been placed, it is best that you be confident with your selections prior to placing your order. You will not receive a full refund for removing birds from your order and a re-stocking fee will apply.

    Adding chicks: we can add chicks if they are available for the same shipping date. The request to add chicks should be made a week before your shipping date. We arrange for all chicks to be sold prior to hatch day so we might not be able to fill last-minute requests. Please call us on (385) 350-2787 or email [email protected] so we can send you a payment link. No additional chicks will be added without payment in full.

    Removing chicks: a re-stocking fee of 50% of the cost of the chicks that are removed from your order will be retained. The request to remove chicks must be made by the Wednesday before your scheduled shipping date. Cancellations made after the Wednesday before your scheduled ship date forfeit 100% of the cost of the order.

  • Can I make a breed request in an assortment order?

    We cannot accommodate requests for specific breeds to be included or excluded from assortment orders. Selections are made by farm staff based on each hatch. Assortments are great for those who want variety in their flock, love surprises, and are open to receiving any of the breeds we have on our farm. We will not entertain complaints if the breed you want is not included in the assortment and under no circumstance will we issue a refund in these cases. To make sure you get the breeds you want you need to place an order specifically for those breeds.

  • Do you sell juvenile birds?

    Yes! We specialize in juvenile birds due to so many people wanting to be sure they receive pullets only.

    When ordering started birds directly through our website you will pay the shipping flat rate at the time of the order. If the shipping turns out to be more than you paid, you will be contacted for the difference.  When you contact us directly and we place an order for you then the shipping cost for a juvenile bird/s will be determined based on the size of the bird and the destination. Started birds will be shipping Express through USPS just like day-old chicks.

  • Why is a specific breed not shown as available? Can I still order that breed? When will it be available?

    If a breed is not showing on as available then the breed is not currently available for order. Usually, chicks are either sold out or we are not currently hatching the breed.

    The website shows the next shipping dates available, but we do accept orders for dates beyond that. Please contact us and be sure to include the breeds and quantities so we can let you know what the possibilities are! We may still be able to get an order set up for you.

  • Why is there no available shipping date for the breeds/quantities I have in my cart?

    This means that the combination of breeds you are trying to place an order for are not available for the same shipping date. Please contact us to see what adjustments can be made to place your order. Don’t forget to include the breeds and quantities in your message (we cannot see the items in your cart).

  • What does it mean when a breed is “limited”?

    You will see the terms “limited” and “available” at times. When a breed is “limited” this means there are under 6 chicks available for that date and will require another breed to meet the shipping minimum of 6 chicks. When a breed is “available” this means there are 6 or more chicks available for that date. Remember that “available” does not mean “unlimited”, the website will not allow an order to go through that exceeds the number that is available in the system.

  • When is the best time to order chicks?

    This will depend on your location, set up, and even personal preference. The most popular time for shipping chicks is in the spring when egg laying is at its peak. If you live in an area with late freezes, you may want to wait until early summer to have your chicks shipped. Those who live in warmer regions can have chicks safely shipped well into autumn.

    Remember that there is a natural decline in egg production during autumn when day light hours shorten, so some breeds may not be available during that time. Due to higher volume of chicks that hatch during the spring and summer we strongly suggest placing your order several weeks in advance as some breeds sell out quickly.

  • I’m interested in X breed, but chicks are not available, can you sell me some eggs or adults instead?

    If chicks are not available for a breed, they are either not laying eggs or the breed is sold out and we need those eggs to fill existing orders.

  • Can you price match other farms with the same or similar breeds?

    We do not price match. Other farms may sell their birds at a lower cost due to the simple fact that their initial cost for their breeding birds was lower and/or they have fewer breeds and less infrastructure. The cost of our quality breeding stock and the work we put into building a genetically diverse flock is reflected in the quality of our birds available for purchase.

  • Can you send me a catalog?

    We do not produce catalogs and have our breeds listed on our website, which is constantly being updated. We are a small farm and not a big hatchery, so our breeds and availability change. Please contact us at [email protected] or (385) 350-2787 for availability questions.

  • Ship Dates

    Ship dates provided at order are approximate and may change due to the complex nature of livestock production and/or environmental conditions beyond our control.

    Please make sure you contact us via email [email protected] or text (385) 350-2787 for updates should your expected ship date be within one week and you haven't received an update.

    Delays can and do occur at any time and we do all we can to meet your order at the earliest possible date.

    We do all we can to ship orders in the order in which they come in but due to the size and multiple breeds required for some orders we cannot guarantee all orders are shipped in chronological order. Should there be extended delays for your order and you'd prefer a credit for a later time please let us know so we can accommodate you as best we can. We do not refund on orders which can be filled but do issue credits.

    we can.


  • Can you identify my chicks?

     If you need help identifying chicks that were included with your order, please send your photos in a reply to your confirmation email and we’ll be happy to help you out.

    We do not provide help identifying the breed of a bird that you received from somewhere else.

  • Why are my chicks are dying?

    While it is not possible for us to know for certain, here are a few things to check:

    Temperature: Check that the temperature is not too hot/cold and is it being adjusted appropriately for their age. The warm area should be 95-99°F for the first day or two after arrival, 95°F for the first week and then lowered 5°F each week following until heat is no longer required. Do not heat the entire brooder, they need to have an area to get away from the heat. Comfortable chicks will move in and out of the warm zone to regulate their temperature. If you are using a bulb heater, it should be ceramic or red to not disrupt their natural sleep pattern.

    Feed: Are they on high quality feed? A well-balanced starter feed is important for growing chicks to develop their immune system. We do not vaccinate for coccidiosis, so we recommend using a medicated feed or adding amprolium to their water at the first sign of illness, or before. Be sure the feeder is kept clean and dry.

    Water: Their waterer needs to be kept clean and full of fresh water. We suggest adding electrolytes upon arrival. Make sure the water for newly arrived chicks is warm as cold water can cool them down too much/quickly and be a shock to their little bodies.

    Brooder: Make sure the living conditions of the chicks are kept clean and dry. A dirty, wet, warm environment is prime living conditions for coccidia. Be sure that the brooder is well ventilated and free from draft.

  • What supplies do I need to have ready before my chicks arrive?

    Basic supplies include: brooder, bedding lined with paper towels or pine shavings (do not use newspaper, magazines, or cedar shavings), heater, thermometer, waterer, feeder, quality chick feed, amprolium aka Corid (or medicated chick feed), and electrolytes. Using medicated chick feed, which contains amprolium, is a personal choice. It does help to prevent coccidiosis but it also prevents the absorption of thiamine (which is important as it's designed to inhibit the uptake of thiamine by the parasites to work effectively) but long term use may have a negative impact on the development of the poultry.

  • What do I do when my chicks arrive?

    Pick up: Have a flexible schedule on your shipping week so you can pick your chicks up as soon as the Post Office calls you. Do not use the estimated arrival date/time as a scheduled pick-up time. This is not a guaranteed delivery time for live animals! Do not allow chicks to sit at the post office. It is your responsibility to pick them up in a timely manner. Count the chicks in your box and take a photo if you have any losses. It is not necessary to file a report with the post office. Notify us of any losses within 48-hours by replying to your confirmation email and don’t forget to include the photos of dead chicks. You must open the container at the post office to conduct your check. Take a photo immediately with a time and date stamp of the chicks inside the container. Take another photo immediately after/before of the post office where you’re collecting your chicks. These photos are required in the event of providing evidence of chicks dead on arrival.

    Arrival home: Have your brooder set up and the warm zone brought to a steady temperature of 95-99°F the day before your chicks arrive. As soon as you arrive home, dip each chick’s beak into warm (90-95°F) water as you put them into the brooder, making sure they visibly drink a little. This may take 2 to 3 times of dipping the beak of each chick. This is very important! It will rehydrate them, and it will help warm them up. The chicks will not survive if they do not get water. We suggest adding electrolytes to the water for the first 24 hours as the journey may have been stressful for them. Do not prolong the use of the electrolytes as it may cause dehydration.

    After hydration: Your chicks will likely take a long nap while warming up in the heat. Please remember that they have just traveled and are very tired. Allow them to rest and warm up if needed. Do not handle the chicks more than necessary for the first few days. Most chicks will start eating crumble on the own, but you may want to sprinkle some crumble on paper towel to encourage them. You can also feed your chicks egg yolk to give them an extra boost. We recommend boiling the egg first then crumbling the yolk. Do not leave any uneaten egg in the brooder, it will spoil.

  • What feed should I get for my chicks?

    We recommend a high-quality chick crumble. Follow the feeding guidelines on the product label. We do not offer a vaccination for coccidiosis, so it is recommended that you start your chicks on a medicated feed. We are dealers for Kalmbach Feeds and exclusively feed our entire flock a variety of feeds from this brand. We became dealers for Kalmbach Feeds due to the fact that Kalmbach is high quality and offers a wide range of choice. Therefore, we recommend Kalmbach Feeds and any other high quality feeds which are similar.

  • Why are there leg bands on some of the chicks in my order?

    This was done to help you in identifying the chicks from one another. The band can be removed the day they arrive if you don't plan on keeping them banded.

    If you want to keep them banded, please note that the bands the chicks arrive with will need to be changed in 1 to 2 weeks. The bands will need to be replaced with a medium-sized leg band next. The band will need to be changed several times over the next month or so, increasing the size of the band with each change. Please do not leave the original band on the chick for more than 1 to 2 weeks as this will result in injury to your chick. The band can be removed by simply pinching the band with your index finger and your thumb while holding the chick with your other hand and gently pulling the band off. It really is that simple!


  • Do you sex your chicks?

    We do not vent sex our chicks as this can be dangerous to the chick. All chicks are sold straight run other than auto-sexing breeds.

  • Can your birds be feather sexed?

    No, our birds cannot be feather sexed. Feather sexing is only accurate on the first generation of offspring from a fast-feathering male and slow-feathering female. Please don’t request that we feather sex the chicks in your order.

  • What is the male/female ratio on straight run chicks?

    Straight run chicks are shipped as hatched so we do not know what the ratio will be. You can receive any combination of males and females.

  • My city and/or HOA does not allow roosters/ regulates the number of hens I can have, what are my options?

     If you live in an area that does not allow roosters, we have a selection of auto-sexing breeds. They can be visibly sexed at hatch so that you do not receive a rooster with your order. If your heart is set on a breed that is not auto-sexing, have a plan for the roosters prior to placing an order.

    Autosexing breeds are not 100% accurate due to nature being complex. We do not provide refunds or replacements for autosexing breed pullets resulting in a cockerel 10% or less than your order. For example if you order 8 autosexing pullet chicks and one turns out to be a cockerel it is less than 10% so no refund or replacement will be provided. If you order 12 autosexing chicks and 2 turn out to be cockerels you will receive a credit only for 1 pullet on your next order.

    No refunds will be provided. A credit will be provided in this case and included in your next order of at least 6 chicks (including the replacement).

    Shipping is not included, refunded, replaced, or covered in any orders, replacement orders, or under any circumstances. The USPS charges us each and every time and therefore all shipments will have a shipping cost component to you, the customer.

  • I received more roosters in my order than hens, did you do this intentionally?

    We do not vent sex our chicks and do not know the sex of the chicks that are in your order if it is not an auto-sexing breed. Vent sexing requires special training and a lot of skill and courses are generally not offered. No one on our farm is trained to do so and attempting to would cause harm and stress to the chicks. Some breeds we only hatch a small number of chicks each week, meaning the entire hatch for that breed goes to one order. If they turn out to be mostly roosters, understand that it is out of our control. We have been the recipients of orders like that ourselves in the past when we have ordered breeding stock from other quality farms.

    We do sell juvenile birds and make sure we hatch more to fill those orders. The orders for juvenile birds are not counted in the hatching availability for chicks, so we are not keeping the females from the hatches for chick sales in order to sell at a higher price later.

    Purchasing straight run chicks means you may receive any combination of males and females as nature takes it course. We will not respond to any emails sent to us with statistics and claims that the ratio you received is not possible. Nature is complex. We do not guarantee any ratio and will not refund or ship more chicks if you are unhappy with the number of cockerels you receive in your order of straight run chicks.

  • Are your birds show quality?

    Cosmetically perfect birds are not what we provide. It may happen from time to time and it is those birds which we recommend you use for breeding, if that is your desire. Expectations should be to find some defects in virtually every bird you raise. Only a small portion of chickens conform to their breed standard in all respects. We do not represent that every bird we sell is show quality or is flawless. You should receive birds that can be the foundation for a breeding program and with enough time and skill can produce show-quality birds.


  • Is it safe to ship chicks?

    Yes, it is perfectly safe to ship chicks. Just before hatch, chicks absorb the yolk which provides them with enough nutrients for their first days of life. We also provide the chicks with feed, Gro-gel, and heat packs when necessary. Our boxes are clearly marked to let the Post Office know to handle the chicks with extra care.

  • How much is shipping?

    We charge a flat rate of $89 (price subject to change without notice if needed) for sending a box of up to 20 chicks via USPS Priority Mail. (We have been told by USPS that all live chick are shipping EXPRESS automatically but we DO NOT have control of this.) Additional charges apply to orders over 20 chicks. Heat packs, Grogel, and feed are included with the cost of shipping.

    The cost for shipping hatching eggs(Coming Soon!) is $30.

  • Can you ship FedEx or UPS?

    We can only ship via the United States Postal Service. FedEx and UPS will not accept shipments of poultry.

  • Can you ship chicks and hatching eggs to Canada?

    We do not ship live chicks or hatching eggs to Canada.

  • Do you ship to Hawaii and Alaska?

    Yes! We will begin shipping to Hawaii and Alaska in the spring of 2024.

    ATTENTION HAWAII ORDERS: We require a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice on all orders going to Hawaii to allow time to apply for and obtain the permit. If you select a shipping date that is not at least 2 weeks away, your order will be rescheduled.

  • Can I pick up my chicks at the farm?

    Yes, we can arrange pick-ups at our farm store only at designated times. However, we take biosecurity very seriously, and farm visits expose our flocks to the potential for possible disease transmission. We cannot take that risk, so we do not conduct farm tours of any kind.

  • Can farm staff meet me somewhere so I can pick up my chicks?

    Not at this time. We ship chicks and have pre-arranged pick-up times at our farm store only.

  • Tracking Updates / Where are my chicks? / Are my chicks lost?

    It is very common for the tracking number to not update overnight or during the day.

    This does not mean your chicks are lost. Chicks are not guaranteed to arrive overnight and may arrive in 2-3 days depending on your location.

    We see the exact same information on the tracking number that you and other postal service workers can. It is not possible for us to provide more information on the location of your chicks. Please be patient and keep watch for updates online for the assigned tracking.

    We do not refund shipping charges for orders that do not arrive by the estimated delivery date and/or time.

  • Why was my order rescheduled?

    If you receive an email stating that your order has been rescheduled, the most likely scenario is that we were short on our hatch for at least one of the breeds in your order. If you are okay with receiving substitutions in the event of a shortage, please reach out to [email protected] or (385) 350-2787 prior to your ship date to let us know!

    We will also reschedule your order if we have not received full payment for your order. We will not ship your order until it is paid in full. If you ignore your payment reminders we cannot move forward with your order.

  • Why did I not receive an order confirmation email?

    If you did not receive an order confirmation email with an order number, the first thing to check is your spam and junk folders, and that you have entered the correct email address. If you still do not see a confirmation email, it is likely that you did not complete the checkout. Please email [email protected] or call (385) 350-2787  for assistance.

  • My chicks are scheduled to ship today, why haven’t I received confirmation yet?

    Shipping confirmation emails are sent in the evening after we drop the chicks off at the post office and they are scanned into their system. We do not have tracking information available for you until that time. Shipping days are extremely busy for our small team so please be patient. If we cannot ship your chicks for whatever reason, we will let you know.


  • Are you NPIP certified/ What is your NPIP number?

    Yes, we are NPIP certified. Our NPIP number is 87-206.

  • What vaccinations do you offer?

    We currently do not offer a vaccination service. We may offer vaccination for Marek’s disease soon.

  • What is Marek’s Disease?

    Marek’s Disease is a common, highly contagious disease in chickens caused by herpes virus. Infected birds cannot be treated but the disease is controllable with vaccine. Contact your state agency for more information or if you suspect your birds have Marek’s disease.

  • What is Coccidiosis?

    Coccidiosis is a protozoan parasite that thrives in warm wet living conditions. Coccidia is common in chicken flocks and can cause sickness and death if an overgrowth is not treated. Chickens develop a natural immunity but are most susceptible when living in wet and dirty conditions. Sickness typically occurs in birds that are under 6 months of age. Speak with your veterinarian if you need assistance with treatment options.

  • What is pasty butt?

    Pasty butt is a very common condition for shipped chicks where droppings get stuck and block the chick’s vent. It can occur from stress, temperature changes, and dehydration. This is easily treatable but can cause death if not taken care of. Gently remove the stuck droppings with a warm, wetted paper towel. Use caution to not pull the down from the chick’s bottom. You will need to be patient as it could take some time to clear the vent of all stuck droppings. Pat the area dry with a clean paper towel and apply some vegetable/olive/coconut oil to the area with a q-tip to prevent more droppings from sticking. There are numerous instructional photos and videos that can be found online if you need a demonstration. Be sure to address the cause of pasty butt to prevent it from reoccurring. We suggest adding fresh alfalfa sprouts as a side dish to chick crumble.

  • Can you diagnose my chicken for me? / What’s wrong with my birds?

    Our farm does not have a veterinarian on site. Please have your birds seen by someone with medical training and certifications that can give your bird a proper examination if you feel there is something medically wrong. If your bird’s life is on the line, do not wait for our response before acting. Your best course of action is to contact your local veterinarian.

  • Why are my birds dying?

    It is impossible for us to know the cause. You need to have your birds examined/tested. Please note that the care of your birds is your responsibility. We are not responsible for the care that you provide to your birds and we do not offer refunds beyond the 48-Hour Live Chick Guarantee.


  • Can you help me import X breed? / What are your contacts for your breeding stock?

    We do not assist or provide those services, nor do we share our contacts.

  • Do you take breed requests for your next set of breeding stock?

    We certainly take your interests in mind and encourage suggestions, however, this does not mean that we will be able to secure a specific breed and/or to the standards we expect.

  • Can you verify that another seller got their birds from you before I buy from them?

    We do not provide this service. We suggest you conduct a thorough due diligence of any seller so you feel confident in your purchase.

  • I’m having a problem with my birds that I received from another farm who say they received their parent stock from you, can you help me?

    We do not provide this service and cannot assist with purchases made from other farms. We are not affiliated with any other farm or hatchery. We are not responsible for another farm’s breeding practices.

  • Why order from Nickelbeak Hollow over other hatcheries/breeders?

    There are numerous good reasons. We source our breeding stock from amongst the best breeders in the country. When you order from us you are assured of getting excellent quality stock from a line of quality breeders. We keep our birds outdoors throughout the year, and they tend to be hardy as a result. They live in well-built coops and secure pens and are allowed to forage on pasture which makes them happy and healthy. We love our birds and the care we put into them is reflected in their health and happiness.

  • What is the difference between your chicks and commercial hatchery chicks?

    Many commercial hatcheries simply contract with farmers to produce eggs and have little quality control over the critical breeding decisions that determine the quality of offspring. We take great care to ship our best chicks to our customers. Our chicks are the offspring of quality stock to begin with, whereas chicks from many hatcheries are generations removed from the authentic gene pools, especially for rare and heritage breeds.

  • Why are your chickens more expensive than hatcheries?

    Our chickens are priced to match the value of quality breeding stock and work put into producing them. The costs and time associated to produce such excellent quality chickens is significant and the dedicated chicken hobbyist appreciates this. We also give our chickens the very best care imaginable with large, open-air, yet fully secured pens where they are housed. It is expensive to build these predator-proof pens and employ educated, trained staff to manage our flocks. Each pen must have summer and winter (heated) waterers, feeders, security, sanitization, and regular upkeep, which costs a lot of money. We must also pay for advertising to let people know who we are and what we have to offer.

    Twice per year our entire flock is tested for avian diseases so we can maintain our NPIP certified status, and so much more behind the scenes costs to keep a legitimate business running. These costs are factored into the pricing of the chicks we sell so we can continue to provide beautiful and healthy chicks.

  • Another farm/hatchery can do “this”, why can’t you?

    We have our own procedure. What works for another farm/hatchery may not work for us and vice versa. Be sure that you agree to our terms and conditions and do not assume that it is the same as other farms/hatcheries that you have ordered from.

Happy Chickens Happy